Thursday, August 13, 2009

What's your sign?

I've always enjoyed perusing the daily horoscope.

I must admit, I'm middle of the road.

I'm more than a casual follower but I do not know the inner workings of each horoscope such as each date to date, temperament of each sign, parameters or history.

Depending on which paper or online publication you read, some appear authentic while many of them have pretty much the same vision for each sign, the same rating, if not exact wording in every single listing.

My Facebook horoscope was in-depth, detailed, and spot on down to my 'color.'

One of the newspaper listings was a bit more precise and personalized than your normal generic vision.

Mine sounded hopeful so I'll take it: "It's been an interesting year so far. And it's bound to get that much more exciting. There's nothing but good news coming in the immediate future, so enjoy it.'

Now, I'm a bit suspect about this because I've been feeling quite under the weather this week including an awful episode at work today....but hopefully, the horoscope fairy knows better!

Some of the other ones were a bit humdrum and generic, and honestly TOO personalized. At the end of the day, the real detailed ones did not happen so you just move on. I tend to gravitate to those horoscopes that give hope and inspiration to strive for the best and over achieve.

One that appeared a bit negative, yet gave a great bit of advice in the end could be words to live by for all of us, regardless of our sign.

Taurus: "Lashing out at a loved one when he or she expresses an opinion will lead to trouble. Rather, listen with an open mind, and choose your response carefully."

There's usually some underlying lesson, regardless of which sign you are.

I look at my horoscope as a 'daily fortune cookie' that hopefully will inspire, pump up, and shed some light on how I can live my life even better day by day!

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