Thursday, November 13, 2008

Herb Jude Score

Cleveland Indians' pitching legend and long-time broadcaster, Herb Score, passed away at his home in Rocky River Tuesday morning with his wife and family at his side.

He was 75-years-old and had been ill for sometime.

In my line of work, I had been alerted a few weeks ago that he was not doing well, and unfortunately, may not have much time left.

We had a tribute story ready to go when he passed.

I wrote a personalized remembrance on my work blog.

It's been interesting and so moving reading the various newspaper articles, web stories, and viewing television reports on Mr. Score's passing.

Each story has the basic information about his baseball career, his tragic accident, how he catapulted into a tremendous broadcasting career, retired and then how the last years of his life had been plagued with tragedy after tragedy.

Every single story also contained personalized remembrances from every single writer or broadcaster. Herb Score affected every person he touched in so many ways.

His rich tones, so soothing. I could listen to Herb call a game all day long! In fact, I used to sit on the porch alcove at our old house with my homemade score card and chart the entire Indians' Game from pre-game to post-game. I'm sure I still have those score cards up in our attic somewhere!

Most of the articles touched on his 'Herbisms' as well as the classic way he'd call a game. Every once in a blue moon he would make a blunder, but for some reason, with Herb, it did not matter. He was such a class act, so unassuming, not taking himself too seriously, that he would correct the mistake with his own special flare! One of the greats! A brilliant broadcaster. They really do not make them like Herb anymore. The mold has been broken.

More important to me than any of the baseball jive was his faith and love of his God, of his religion. I truly believe that his rich, faith-filled life made him the person he was and gave him the strength to endure and survive every cross he had to bear.

From his pitching days, especially on the day of his injury, you could see how much faith he possessed. When he was laying on the pitcher's mound bleeding and in pain, he prayed to his favorite saint, St. Jude, to spare his sight. Ultimately his sight was spared. Though he did not continue with his pitching career, St. Jude and God allowed him to stay in the business he loved so much.

He named one of his daughters after St. Jude.

He was very involved with his church.

And, what inspired me most, was when my family and I would go on our baseball jaunts to watch the Tribe in various cities. We'd wind up being on the road on a Sunday. We'd find the closest Roman Catholic Church and attend Mass before heading to the game. You'd always see the Catholic ballplayers at Mass, including Mr. Herb Score, giving thanks to God for their gifts and their talents bestowed on them by God. It was quite moving.

God rewards good people. God truly rewarded Herb with his wonderful wife, Nancy. Nancy and Herb were the perfect couple, the epitome of love and happiness. Their faith helped them survive this long and weather the storms tossed in their direction. And they did!

I have no doubt that Herb Score is front and center on the 'pitching mound in the sky' blowing away the likes of Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Mickey Mantle, Shoeless Joe Jackson, Roger Maris, and THE BEST baseball team ever assembled!

Herb, you will truly be missed.

And you are one of the 1st people I'd love to bump into and play catch with when God opens the pearly gates for me.

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