Sunday, August 14, 2011

U crazy kids & ur texting

I still have the old archaic phone. I'm ok with that for now because I don't have enough money to get a new one and I don't have a job or position that requires me to be attached to my email 24 hours a day.

I did up my texting plan because every single guy I've met this Spring and Summer seems to want to text rather than talk on the phone or meet in person.

What is it with young kids and guys and texting rather than having a heart to heart conversation?

I'd much prefer talking to someone on the phone so I can hear their emotion, their inflection, and get a detailed rundown of a conversation rather than abbreviated words to get a possible point across?

I'd much rather be in the same room with someone holding a conversation with them as we get to know each other, fire question after question immediately as it pops in our heads without that delay from "oh wait, I have to type on my cell phone the proper response" only to have the person on the other end misconstrue what the heck is being said.

I've been speaking with a new friend for a few weeks via text. For some reason, he doesn't want to speak on the phone. He's had much adversity in his life just since I've known him so I totally get why we've not met in person yet plus our schedules have not meshed. But one of my mottos is if something is important to you, make it happen. I personally would have stayed up really late or gotten up really early to accommodate his schedule. I've found that guys soooooo do not do that for females. Or maybe I've just not found the right guy who thinks of the girl first.

I must admit some of our conversations, scratch that, pretty much all of our conversations via text have brought me great joy, smiles from cheek to cheek and much laughter. You could even say they bring butterflies to my belly and fireworks! So yes, speaking via text has the same effect as in real person but it's quite weird. My friends will ask, "Have you met him yet?" I say no but we speak for hours on end each and every single day. They say, "He needs to ask you out on a real date." And I concur.

My older relatives say "Whatever happened to picking up the telephone and just talking?" Yes, I agree with that too!

But at the end of the day, looking back at some of the texts of the day have made me beam, have brought butterflies to my stomach, and have made me want to press onward with whatever 'this' is.....

If I'm having a bad day, looking back at an old text will brighten my day. It's quite amazing.

We have gotten to know each other on many fronts via the text method....but there is sooooo much left out there for us to explore and learn about each other.

We've even shared nice pictures so both of us know what the other looks like....

Since we've been talking we've said goodnight every single night and good morning every single morning. It's simply wonderful. But I miss that one on one in person communication. I really crave that right now. Just friends everyone. I just want to meet this new friend and pal around, watch a game, watch him play hockey, share a pizza, or anything innocent just to get to know each other a bit better.

Unfortunately, his mother has become ill so he had to head back home to Vancouver. Something that I can say has never ever happened to me is having a hot man text me that he had to climb up on his roof to talk to me. My pal told me before he left that reception is awful at his Mom's home. I really did not expect to talk to him for a week or two while he was tending to his Mom. Then poof --one day at work I received a text that just made my week. He said he had to climb up on his roof to talk to me because he wanted to talk to me. I admit, my heart melted over and from a text message. And yes, I can understand how this mode of communication can not only be easy for those who have a hard time speaking but easier to say what's really on your mind ....and yes, brings great joy as well.

With the good also comes the ugly. I don't even know this guy yet we've had a few 'arguments' via text. I did not think they were arguments or even worthy of cross words but apparently the person on the other end of the text mistook what was being said, twisted it, and hence WHY I would rather speak via the telephone or in person! VOILA!

I do vote for the phone and in person. I fear that will not happen for a while or ever. But for now, I'll take this mode of communication.

And I thank God every single day for my new text buddy.

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