Saturday, February 7, 2009


She walked in.

I knew immediately who she was and whom she was there to see/meet.

Perfectly scripted. So S-T-E-R-E-O-T-Y-P-I-C-A-L!

Guys like a 'certain' type of girl. I 'ain't' that girl.

EVERY guy I am remotely interested in has a
a) girlfriend
b) wife
c) boyfriend--don't ask
d) fiance
e) ex-wife/baggage
f) all of the above!

EVERYONE is attached, except me.


I get scolded if I am attracted to a guy because of his looks....'oh, Danielle, there is so much more to a person than just should be ashamed of yourself!'

And, I believe that. There IS so much more to a person than just stunning looks.

So why do guys let me down every day of my life by falling for that 'perfect' girl who is ANYTHING but 'perfect?'

At this point, you are saying, 'Danielle must not be that cute.' Ironically, I AM!

I am cute, and funny, and smart, and caring, and kind, and interesting--a lot better than the crop of selfish, self-absorbed specimens being put out today.

So why?

Why did this very cute guy who I see around town once a week fall for the 'wrong girl?'

Today, she entered the room--nothing EXTRA-ordinary about her, but I knew who she was.

She came to hear her boyfriend perform.

She just sat there. At one point, sat there with her arms crossed, a disgusted look on her face like 'WHY am I here?' not even looking at her boyfriend playing.

She appeared very disinterested, disengaged, and extremely bored.

Before the end of the show, they got up and left, because he was done and she was bored.


The guys reading this now are saying, 'because she is great in bed'....'for now, she is the right eye-candy hanging onto my arm so everyone looks at me....'

Well, NEWS FLASH, Guys! Cute girls with no substance (except a huge, selfish ego) will not be cute forever. You will wake up to your 'eye candy' one day and wonder who robbed you?! You will be left with a bitter, cranky, angry, still self-absorbed, sour piece of candy that you want to flush down the toilet--because she is definitely not easy to look at.

That is when I, receiving a great gift from God for being so patient, WILL still be easy on the eyes arm in arm with my prince charming, who is easy on my eyes...leaving you in the dust of our interesting, action-packed amazing lives....

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