Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One year ago...the wheels started churnin'

It's been one year.

Maybe not to the day.....but the wheels began churnin' a year ago, the first day of Lent, 2008.

That is when my blogging bonanza began as I tried to get my 'derailed train' back on track.

Fast forward one year. My train is still derailed!!!

But, I've up righted a few more train cars. I can see progress --great progress! And that alone gives me hope and drive and the motivation to charge ahead even further!

I've made tremendous strides at work 'keeping up with the Joneses' being able to adapt quickly to my changing business and stay quite a bit ahead of the curve in my particular craft, which I still LOVE and am told, most days I dominate.

Even though it may not be evident in my physical home structure, my appearance, or personal life, the baby steps are quickly leading up to huge paces, which I feel will pay off!

There is light at the end of my tunnel and my glass is almost FULL!

It's not all fun and games and rose-colored glasses. Much of my life is tragic, extremely hard, and overwhelming --but it's in those times where I make the most progress.

And this whole blogging 'thing.' It's been quite therapeutic for me as well as perfecting my creative writing skills.

I'm amazed at the feedback I've received. Just yesterday, a former co-worker left me a Facebook post saying she loves my blogs (my work blog is swing by and spray)...reads them everyday...and I am an inspiration.

When I embarked on this new adventure, I did not know what to expect, but I surely did not do it for the notoriety or to be the center of attention.

As my intro states, 'the day in and day out triumphs and battles of an ordinary girl trying to accomplish extraordinary feats.'

I don't quite know how many followers I have on either blog. It appears that more people read Swing by and spray, but I hope folks venture onto Grand slam kinda day as well. Both are straight from my heart, examples that no matter what happens in the course of a day, you can not give up and have to press on....and if I may say, quite interesting and even funny at times!

I thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope you've been entertained, informed, or inspired in some way.

And hopefully, this time next year, a few more of my train cars will be upright and traveling toward amazing adventures!

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