Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The 'all-nighter' is alive and well

After college, I thought the 'all-nighter' was a thing of the past, retired.

I remember sitting in the basement of Miller Dorm finishing up a 'work of art' term paper which had to be delivered to Bonney Castle by 8am. Of course, 'all-nighters' were more fun with friends. My pal, Jimmie, was my partner in crime on more than one occasion!

Then, I got into the 'real world.' Now, WHY would I have to be up all night? Just after college, some situations I pondered included, "I'm not married yet with a baby who can't sleep through the night....I'm not lucky enough to have a gorgeous hunk of a husband who does his best work at night! And, I'm not in school having to study for a huge exam or write my thesis. So WHY would I have to stay up all night?"

Think again!

Working the crazy hours I had when I broke into the business not only kept me up 'til the wee hours of the morning, but if friends and I would partake in a few cocktails after work, well, I'd find myself following the Plain Dealer truck home the next morning.

And that was ok. I was young enough where it did not even phase me.

Or someone would call off from work so I would stay until who knows when. But again, that was fine.

Well, those days are alive and well.

I'm either acclimated to this lifestyle, don't require as much sleep as others, or a glutton for punishment!

During Mom's health issues, I would stay up all night just watching her to make sure she was ok and her breathing was steady. Even today, if she is not having a great day or feeling a bit under the weather, I will stay alert and even pop up every hour on the hour to make sure she is not laboring.

Deadlines are a huge motivation for the 'all-nighter.' We recently had a fundraiser for our church. I must have stayed up at least three nights that week until 7am to get the house ready for the big event--with a little help, of course, from my Rock Star Sugar Free drink being serenaded by my favorite musicians on my boom box!

The most recent stint seemed the easiest of all, but I did start getting tired later in the evening. I not only had to finish up my Emmy entry process (which hit a snafu at about 230am when their computers went awry. The deadline had to be extended for everyone anyway)...and then I had a few very early appointments....music rehearsal....and then Mom's Friday routine. There was no way on God's green earth I could have gone to sleep. And thankfully, God was on my side. He allowed me to stay up and accomplish everything and more.

I must admit, there are some nights when, even if I really have to stay up, I am dragging and just have to lay down my head.

But when it really matters, God is there nudging me along.

He did it the other night up until the very end....I started getting a bit tired but made it home, unwound, and then hit the sack for a good 7 hours (which is good for me!).

I can look at this a number of ways. I am too busy for my own good. I have a very active life which does not factor in sleep. My care-taking responsibilities are immense right now. But more importantly, I CAN DO IT! I can still hang with the young ones....I can keep up with the best of them and come out alive! I can juggle a dozen balls and none of them hit the ground!

For that, I thank God and pray that in 40 years, I can say (and do) the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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