Monday, February 25, 2008

3rd Weekend into Lent

A tremendous 3rd Weekend into Lent! The readings at Church hit deep chords. The tradition which kicks off today, "Sundays of Scrutinies" coincides perfectly with the Lenten Reflections.

Sundays of Scrutinies has been explained to me as a time when disciples learning about Jesus and preparing to enter the Church make their final preparations. The lessons have been taught, and now they must look at their lives.

Lent is a period of time for all of us to take a look at our lives, look deep within, and see if we are living up to God's expectations. We may already be members of the Church, but it is never too late to look at what we are doing and how we can do it even better--how we can be better followers of Jesus Christ.

In today's readings, everyone has felt at one time or another the way the Samaritan woman felt. Sometimes we miss the richness of life that is going on right before our very eyes. We may be standing at the well of life, speaking to Jesus Christ and not even recognize Him. That is when we have to take a step back, from the craziness surrounding our days, and search for the richness and truth. We do not have to look far for new ideas, fresh thoughts, friendship of others, and new ways we can do God's will and make a difference in today's world.

Along with recognizing the richness of life, I must forgive. Jn 4:5-42; Jn 2:13-25; Lk 13:1-9. If I can not allow myself to forgive, the eternal spring Jesus speaks of will be blocked forever. I will miss out on God's graces and eternal life. Ask yourself if there is anyone that you must forgive this week and pray for them.

You only have to open your eyes to hear God's teachings. Ironically, Mom and I watched two great movies this weekend: 'Snowbuddies' and 'Ratatouille.' God's messages were running rampant in both of these family movies. I won't go into either of them. You must see them! However, one line from 'Snowbuddies' hit hardest. I will mess up the translation but basically, reader's digest version stated: Our lives may take various twists & turns that we had not planned. However, wherever we are is WHERE we are MEANT to be at this time.

One final thought about what has kept me going this Lent. Family and friends. It is wonderful to look down from the Choir Loft during Mass and see so many friends and family. I am home. To look down and see Mom, Uncle Sam, my cousin Johnny and little Sammy...and then to see dear friends who I have known my whole life who ARE like family. Former neighbors from when I was a small child like Johnny and Katie or the Caserta's (who have moved out of the Parish but told us this is THEIR parish and they will continue to make the trek each weekend!), the Trigiani's...the list is endless. They are family. This is home. I truly believe everyone should evolve and grow a little everyday. But I have a stronger belief that we should not run away from our past. We should remember and cherish where we came from, who we met along the way and who helped us to become who we are today! No sooner did I come home from singing my third Mass when Mom says that my cousin Tommy will be coming over to visit this afternoon. What a joy! It follows with the above theme that Family is so important. Tommy did come over and spent over four hours with us. What a WONDERFUL afternoon we had. We caught up, shared stories, laughed at past remembrances, honored those who have passed, and recognized that no matter how busy life gets, family can stand the test of time!

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