Friday, February 22, 2008

2nd Weekend into Lent

We did something at my Church that our Pastor never does. He asked for money. It was a required assignment for all Pastors at all Churches --a directive from the Bishop --to solicit for Catholic Charities. Singing at all Masses, I heard the same song and dance each Mass, with a slight variation to keep it fresh for Father. He sure has a knack. He personalized his speech to encompass our own parishioners who have benefited from Catholic Charities. When you hear about the hardluck, heart warming stories of others, it makes you realize how blessed you really are and how much God has truly given you.

This weekend's readings and reflections actually have a direct correlation, believe it or not, with the Bishop's Plea. Prayer and Almsgiving. We are almost 2 weeks into Lent, and may feel down because we have not prayed as much as we would have liked or may have fallen behind on resolutions, and even giving to those in need. This weekend's reflection says don't get down on yourself. We may get down on ourselves or on others who disappoint or even anger us. But, the one being who is always there and NEVER lets us down is God. His grace is constantly at work in us. He never gives up on us, even when we are weak. We are in the midst of being enveloped by God's love, as in the transfiguration. Everything beams in the presence of Jesus Christ. We have to believe that a higher being is with us every step of the way and, even when we feel we have let ourselves, God, and others down, pick ourselves up and continue trudging forward.

Don't give up and spend some quiet time with Jesus.

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