Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday

“Lord, I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

No matter how hard I try every day to do your will, each weekend, the above declaration rings true.

‘The Passion’ leading into Easter Sunday succinctly depicts Jesus’ mission on earth. He was sinless and innocent but still suffered. He was perfection yet betrayed, mocked, hated, and ultimately crucified for His beliefs and teachings. If someone so sinless was hit with such horrible attacks, then I know I am in for a doozy!

There are two very telling happenings in today’s reading. Jesus knew what was going to happen to him. He knew who his betrayer was and how this was going to play out. His betrayer was one of his “own followers.” The sign for the guards to take Jesus into custody, was ironically, a kiss. Judas greeted Jesus with a kiss and embrace. Jesus ultimately lost his life. Please give me the strength to ask for your forgiveness when I have wronged someone. And give me patience and the gift to forgive when I feel I have been betrayed, especially by those closest to me.

When I am in the midst of unreasonable, selfish, disciples with their own agendas, help me turn the other cheek and walk away.

Help me try to overlook lies directed at or about me. I really need your help on this one. It seems so petty to be hurt by such occurrences in the light of your greatest gift to us all, dying on the cross to save us. However, I am human. It recently happened where someone said “we’re doing this for your own good” without really asking me my opinion "of my own good!" I love when people sugarcoat and spin a situation to make it look as if they are doing you a favor. Honestly, Jesus, you are the only one who knows what is good for me. You know my thresh hold, my strength, what is in my heart and mind, and what is best for me.

A short time later they admitted the real was not for "my own good," it was because 25 minutes was too far to schlep to celebrate a yearly tradition...particularly for one of the individuals involved...

It’s times like these when I need you most to give me the strength to forgive, forget and move on.

The second telling line in today’s reading: “this night all of you will have your faith in me shaken.”

Oh, that happens on a daily basis. Sometimes because of my own weaknesses but often because those in my life let me down. I ring my hands and scratch my head on why this world has become so self centered and “me, me, me” driven.

When Mom says “I want a decaf coffee” and someone else says, “oh no, you don’t. You have to try this new tea.” I scratch my head?!?!?

A group of us were out for a relative’s birthday dinner. Mom, who almost passed away three times over the last few years, is just ecstatic to be alive and cherishes any time spent with family members during these busy times. A very spiritual woman, she inquired if we could say grace, in thanks of the family being together. She was met with an adamant “no.” I was shocked. First, that such a terse response was administered to the Matriarch of this family. Second, that someone is so insecure with themselves or their faith, they were unwilling to say thanks to God in public. Our “faith was definitely shaken” by this sequence of events.

Keep turning your cheek, seven times or seven x seventy times. But I have not given up hope that one day society will revert back to thinking of others first. One day there will be those that make sacrifices again for others out of sheer respect and love. There are those that will be persecuted by doing God’s will, and will not run from it. And Mom and I will not feel like we are outcasts when trying to do the right thing, be who we are, and follow Jesus Christ.

Through it all, a peaceful calm hits. I actually do see the light at the end of the tunnel. Seeing Mom worshipping at Mass. Hearing David’s lovely rendition of ‘Wondrous Love’ on the Piano. Speaking with Uncle Sam, Mike and Anna, Katie and Johnny in the congregation, I know there are still loving people around who put God and others first! And who love me and Mom!

I received a wonderful note today from my dearest childhood friend, just when I needed it most. Jesus, you always amaze me. When I need you most, you DO let the signs shine through. You show love and compassion.

I will continue to strive to make my existence on this earth worthy of your love and forgiveness!

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