Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lent & Spring Training are my friends

I'm strapped in for what I believe and feel will be a rollercoaster ride!

I am so looking forward to Lent. I actually began my Lenten resolutions shortly after New Year's Day. I tried a little something different this year. It seems everyone always goes up to the midnight deadline of Fat Tuesday and then BOOM!

Come Ash Wednesday, it's an about face.

Not for me. I really did kick off the year with good intentions and have plugged along, little by little. Instead of an abrupt halt or revving up, I'm coasting into Lent with very good momentum.

This is the week my friend flies into town though I won't see him until the end of the week. Lent begins just in the knick of time. And Auntie scheduled an appointment to get our taxes done. I can not even believe the almost all-nighter I pulled over the weekend gathering all of my tax information. First of all, I have nothing. Yet, I am such a meticulous person, I notated everything and anything for my new tax guy. It felt soooo good to get that material organized and get myself perched to cross yet one more thing off of my 2011 to-do list! My Aunt has known her tax guy since he was a baby....and ironically, he does the taxes of a number of my co-workers. Funny how life plays out. I am a month older than he yet I'm fairly positive he makes at least 20-40x more money than I make. I think I am ok with that having donned a new attitude after Mom's death stretching into 2011.

Ash Wednesday brought torrential rains. I think they caused my Aunt to catch a little cold. She's a bit under the weather now. However, we found the most delicious fish luncheon across from The Lake County Captain's Ballpark, the Captain's Club, to enjoy a meal together.

The rains continued. I had a personal day from work this week, where I had to rise at 5am. Nice. The only girl who is OFF and must get up at the crack of dawn. Amazing. In my travels I had to cross the Valley View Bridge not once, but twice. For those of you who are not familiar with this bridge, someone crashed, flew off the bridge and died just a few weeks ago. Unnerving to be traveling on it in an awful rain storm.

We survived. I actually got to spend some quality time with my friend who is in from out of town. Amazing how some things and people never change. I am so glad that is not my mojo.

But, it was /is nice spending a little time with him for just a few days.

Besides the Lenten feeling saving me over the next 6-8 weeks, Spring Training is finally in full swing and my boys began playing games this week. Oh, yes, there is a God. Thank you God for just the simplest of things to keep me going! Baseball is definitely one of those energizers.

Seeing MLB on tv has gotten me through this stressful week.....Thank you!

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