Sunday, July 19, 2009

I just don't get it

I don't quite get it and never will.

Why people act the way they do?

Why I act the way I do sometimes?

Oh, I give great advice but do I take it?

I am reasonable, rational and talk through problems.

I always choose the moral answer.

When trouble is on the horizon, and the adrenalin starts flowing, humans can act crazy.

I've seen it a thousand times with illnesses we've struggled through, deaths, accidents, life-altering events, embarrassing times, you name it, we've seen it!

Some folks attack the problem or hardship head on.

Others ignore it.

Yet others run far and run fast.

You have to give people the benefit of the doubt even though the problem should not be the guiding force, it should be how much you LOVE the people dealing with the problem in order to lend your support.

I told a few close friends that Mom was having an operation.

Have I heard from them yet?

I just don't get it.

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