Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Being on vacation is E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-N-G!

I normally lead a fast-paced lifestyle on the go from dusk til dusk...and dawn to dawn!

Who am I kidding when I get a day off and think I'll actually accomplish much and move mountains?

Well, I usually DO accomplish a boatload but the 'to do' list always towers above the 'done' list.

I had a break around Christmas and a few days around New Year's. I can honestly say I have been and still am exhausted.

To the point where I have had to take a nap some nights. My line is "I need to take a nap before I head off to bed."

It's true.

I am at the point where walking along I feel as if I will collapse johnny on the spot. That's not good.

Eating cookies, candy and heavy holiday meals has not helped out.

I'm gonna clog my system once more before I turn over a new leaf. I must indulge on our annual dumplings, home made sauerkraut, and pork which will put me over the edge. I'll be lucky if I don't just fall asleep right at the dinner table New Year's night!!

It's all I can take to actually f i n i s h t h i s e n t r y...

G o o d N i g h t ! ! !

S w e e t d r e a m zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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