Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Magical memories

I am determined to hold onto those magical moments from last week!

It's very easy to have a few days off or enjoy a great party, concert, celebration...and once you get back to work or the grind of the routine, poof --everything goes out the window!

Not this time. We had a wonderful week! Jam packed as usual. But what else is new?! Every day in our lives is like being on the freeway at rush hour in LA, Orlando or New York!!!!!

Last week consisted of basking in the beautiful weather....family celebrations....new restaurants never sampled...good friends revisited from the past and the present...exotic places never traveled....making apple cider from scratch....singing, dancing and music....

Mix in the fact that baseball season is still alive! And the Cleveland Browns had an UN-BELIEVABLE MNF game. What more can you ask?!?

It truly was a dream week.

Toward the end, little things started happening as signs that the dream week was about to end. Not gonna let it happen!

Life is too short. Remember the good times to get through the bad times. Keep a sweet memory in your pocket when times get tough as a stepping stone to the next magical week.

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