Saturday, September 13, 2008

Remembering 9/11

Quite the surreal day. It seems like forever since the Twin Towers went down yet it seems like it was only yesterday.

A day that should be remembered, if only to prove that Americans and the United States are strong and will not let a catastrophic event such as that defeat us.

Yet, a day that should not have a lot of fanfare, which connotes 'celebration.'

I was away from the television this September 11th and besides the flags at half staff and the date on the calendar, I did not see much to remind me of that fated day.

I guess each September 11th, each of us should reflect in our own way on what happened back in 2001 and strive to be stronger and united while we cherish our freedoms and families. Ultimately in the end, hopefully the righteous will triumph and defeat evil.

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